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Fine Art for Fine Presents 2016

Opening 6pm Thursday 1 December

until 23 December

Come and celebrate Christmas with us at the opening of our biggest group show of the year with special guest speaker Tim Dakin, Creative Arts Facilitator at Regional Arts Victoria and musical entertainment by Luna Loca.

Bobbie Cox | Quest

Friday 4 November 2016

until 26 November


Bobbie Cox's vibrant post-pop exhibition, Quest

Lesley Prosser | Drawn in Space

Friday 4 November 2016

until 26 November


Metal sculptures inspired by the work of Catalan artist Julio González.

Our Maritime Heritage

06 October–29 October 2016

For thousands of years, the ocean, the lakes and navigable rivers of East Gippsland have sustained the population and provided vital transport links. Presented by Heritage Network East Gippsland

Jennifer Hawkins | We are made of star stuff

01 September – 01 October 2016

We are made of star stuff explores the cycle of evolution and extinction. Jennifer Hawkins asks the big questions: Where do we come from? Where do we go to?

Rose Coloured Glasses

28 July until 27 August 201


Students of the Rhonda Gray Art School. Become oblivious to the negative, don a pair of rose coloured glasses, step back from the obvious and peel back the solemn realities.

Face to Face | Portraits of East Gippsland artists

 28 July until 27 August 2016


Once a month a group of artists arrive at Bungalook Studio and there is a jostling of easels and rustling through baskets as drawing and painting equipment are prepared. The model is settled and portrait work begins.

Joyful and Triumphant, celebrating Christmas in July

24 June until Saturday 23 July 2016

An exhibition of works initiated and inspired by works of art and decorative items from the Johnston Collection and originally held at Fairhall Exhibition House East Melbourne in late 2015, early 2016.

Wunman Njinde: Contemporary Koorie Art from East Gippsland

19 May 2016 to 18 June 2016

Showcasing works by Zion Bradley James Brown, Lee Darroch, Frances Harrison, Rob Hudson and Susan Martin alongside artefacts from the Krowathunkooloong Keeping Place collection, Bairnsdale.

Wominjeka: A New Beginning

19 May 2016 to 18 June 2016

30 Years of the Koorie Heritage Trust A NETS Victoria and Koorie Heritage Trust touring exhibition tracing cultural continuities alongside new modes of creative practice in South Eastern Aboriginal art and culture.

East Gippsland On Show

14 May- 14 June 2016


Arts Focus Biennial Perpetual Trophy Exhibition. Twenty eight East Gippsland artists from the well known to some never before exhibited are on show with 40 individual works in the categories prints, drawings and ceramics.

Hello! Postcards from East Gippsland

10 March – 9 April 2016

Autumn at East Gippsland Art Gallery honours the landscape and people who live here with a fabulous postcard exhibition. Be excited, be inspired, and be challenged. Become involved

Wong May-po | Mountains and Water

4 February–5 March 2016


​After graduating in Chinese Ink Painting from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Wong May-po developed a passion for the skills and techniques for Chinese paintings, especially landscapes. Her unique method fuses contemporary elements with traditional style

The Space Between Us

4 February - 5 March 2016


Caroline Crunden and Deb Jemmeson present large and small scale works drawing on their personal interactions with the space around them

Summer Showcase 2016

Celebrating the artisitic spirit of East Gippsland. This popular annual group exhibition features works by 30 local artists from Raymond Island to Mallacoota and highlights some of the exceptional talents found in our region. Summer Showcase includes paintings, drawings, mixed media and 3D works. All work is sold off-the-wall.

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2 Nicholson Street
Bairnsdale Victoria 3875
+61 03 5153 1988


Gallery hours:
Tuesday–Friday 10am–4pm
Saturday 10am–2pm
Sunday-Monday CLOSED

FREE Admission

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East Gippsland Art Gallery Membership you can get early updates on all our events and Members' ticket prices to NGV exhibitions plus NGV priority queuing and 10% off items in the NGV Cafe and shop.

As well as a host of other local benefits

© East Gippsland Art Gallery | 2 Nicholson Street | Bairnsdale VIC 3875 | +61 03 5153 1988 |

Normal Gallery hours: Tuesday–Friday 10am–4pm | Saturday 10am-2pm | Closed Public Holidays | FREE ENTRY


The Board and staff of East Gippsland Art Gallery acknowledge the Brabralung people of the Gunaikurnai Nation as the traditional custodians of the land on which the Gallery stands and where we meet, exhibit and celebrate art and heritage.

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East Gippsland Art Gallery is principally funded by East Gippsland Shire Council and supported by the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria

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