Family Crafternoon
with Rachael Pollac
Tuesday 23rd January 11am – 12.30pm
Cost: $5 per person
Bookings essential | Places limited | 03 5153 1988
The entire family is invited to the East Gippsland Art Gallery to participate in a family crafternoon with Rachael Pollac. Rachael is a local artist whose exhibition girls + cats +green shoes is currently on show here at the Gallery. Renowned for her whimsical illustrations and articulated paper dolls, participants will enjoy re-creating their own family using drawing and articulated paper techniques.

2 Nicholson Street
Bairnsdale Victoria 3875
+61 03 5153 1988
Gallery hours:
Tuesday–Friday 10am–4pm
Saturday 10am–2pm
Sunday-Monday CLOSED
FREE Admission