Past Exhibition
EGAG WRAP 2017 small artwork prize
07 December until 26 January 2018

2 Nicholson Street
Bairnsdale Victoria 3875
+61 03 5153 1988
Gallery hours:
Tuesday–Friday 10am–4pm
Saturday 10am–2pm
Sunday-Monday CLOSED
FREE Admission
EGAG WRAP 2017 is proudly sponsored by Simon Anderson Consultants Bairnsdale
EGAG WRAP 2017 was judged by Simon Gregg, Acting Director and Curator, Gippsland Art Gallery Sale.
Thankyou Gippsland! You gave us your art, all 190 works and on Friday night, when EGAG WRAP 2017 opened, you came in droves and you bought art - over $2500 worth!! 100% of this goes straight back to the artists and stays in the community. Big thanks go to Simon Anderson Consultants for jumping on board with our vision and sponsoring the prize. A huge thankyou from all of us here at East Gippsland Art Gallery and from Gippsland artists.
The winner was 17 year old Emma Hearnes for her delicate drawing titled, Erase. Simon said of Emma’s work, that art should not only be aesthetically pleasing and technically good, but have something important to say and Erase has achieved all those things. Emma shows great technical ability and her drawings although photo realistic, show things a photo couldn’t. There is a psychological depth to this work and once seen it will not be easily forgotten. Simply beautiful.
Simon thoroughly enjoyed viewing all the works and wanted to commend all the artists on their efforts.
There were several pieces he thought deserved to be acknowledged. We have included Honourable Mentions for the following artists:
Deirdre Jack for her work Studio with Yellow Chair. Simon said that Deidre's work was very clever and had a profound colour sensibility.
Shannon Woodcock, Raymond Island Conversation by for it’s strength in delivering a message and challenging the viewer.
Kate Shone’s, Molluscus for clever use of materials and surface finish to create volume.
Peter Johnstone for his work Lidded Oviform Box. Peter’s organic forms are beautiful. Made with amazing skill and finished beautifully.
The People's Choice Award was won by Christopher Miller for Still Life with Chicken Skin

Emma Hearnes | Erase, Graphite on paper

Studio with yellow chair Highly commended

Raymond Island History Book These pieces ask what happens between the community we present ourselves to be and the people we are in our homes. Midge Beesley's local history of Raymond Island was written in 1986, and remains popular - there are five copies in East Gippsland Shire libraries. Midge writes about white people robbing graves and taking human body parts to the tip as if this is normal white behaviour, and she protects the perpetrators just as in the massacre times of white invasion

The infinite undersea . The sway and swell of waves, all foreign feelings and forms . Menacing yet inticing. The pull of the unknown and macabre mystery of nature. Highly Commended

With my woodturning I endeavour to produce perfect form and enhance the natural grain feature of the timber. Although my work covers a large variety of items I enjoy making these boxes for their technical demand and artistic challenges. Highly Commended

Still life with chicken skin