Artist Insight: Frances Harrison
11am | Thursday 01 June 2017
11am | Saturday 03 June 2017
Limited places. Bookings essential.
03 5153 1988
To coincide with East Gippsland Art Gallery’s exhibition Kangaroo Tales, respected local artist Frances Harrison will be demonstrating hot wire burning on Kangaroo Skin. Frances’s amazing skill and imagery is currently on show at the Gallery on large kangaroo skin covered plinths and these demonstrations will give the public the opportunity to watch and learn how these amazing works of art have been made.
FREE | bookings essential | 03 5153 1988
Kangaroo Tales | 18 May - 17 June 2017
Kangaroo Tales is an installation designed to tour with Gunyah, a moveable arts venue for the presentation of contemporary Aboriginal art and culture. See more
2 Nicholson Street
Bairnsdale Victoria 3875
+61 03 5153 1988
Gallery hours:
Tuesday–Friday 10am–4pm
Saturday 10am–2pm
Sunday-Monday CLOSED
FREE Admission