
East gippsland art Gallery MEMBERS receive:
National Gallery Victoria Members Ticket Prices
+ NGV Priority Queuing
10% Discount on:
East Gippsland Art Gallery Shop items
Gippsland Art Gallery (Sale) ticketed exhibitions
Gippsland Art Gallery (Sale) shop items
National Gallery Victoria shops and cafes
Art materials | Gallery Frame Makers, Bairnsdale
Items from foundry |
In addition MEMBERS receive:
Early updates on all our events and workshops
Discounts on East Gippsland Art Gallery events and workshops
Standing invitation to all exhibition openings
Invitations to East Gippsland Art Gallery activities
Members’ newsletters and Gallery updates
Printed copy of our bi-annual exhibition calendar
The opportunity to connect with like-minded people
Exhibiting members pay only 20% commission on exhibition sales of artworks (non-members pay 30%)
Payment method:
By Paypal or credit card by filling out the form on this page
Electronic Funds Transfer to East Gippsland Art Gallery with your name as reference paid to:
Bendigo Bank BSB 633-000 Account Number 113 274 757
Cheque payable to East Gippsland Art Gallery
Credit Card payments available over the phone: 03 5153 1988
Membership card must be presented at time of transaction. Membership benefits are not transferable