East Gippsland Art Gallery has launched the first of a series of external exhibitions in the Gallery windows that are unaffected by COVID-19 closures. These works transform the outside of the Gallery and can be viewed from the street, driving by and from the footpath during daylight hours. After dark you will need a torch. Please observe social distance when viewing the artwork.
Point Ricardo Bulldozed. Cape Conran Coastal Park Backburned. January 2020
Rosalind Crisp (dance) and Lisa Roberts (photography)
15 August - 20 November 2020
Rosalind Crisp is the 2020 recipient of the Regional Arts Victoria fellowship. This collaborative work is part of her artist-in-residency at Orbost Exhibition Centre. Rosalind Crisp’s ongoing project DIRt (Dance In Regional disaster zones) draws artists and ecologists together to ask how dance and collaborative arts practice might embody, understand and respond to the unfolding environmental crisis in Australia, and connect to local, national and internationally affected communities.
More info:

Rosalind Crisp, Point Ricardo, Bulldozed January 2020 (detail) Photo Lisa Roberts

This project was made possible by the Sustaining Creative Workers Initiative, supported by the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria and Regional Arts Victoria, and by the Australian Government’s Regional Arts Fund which supports the arts in regional and remote Australia. The Australian Government’s Regional Arts Fund is provided through Regional Arts Australia, administered in Victoria by Regional Arts Victoria.
